God Dream

  • Oct 11, 2017

How do I even begin to tell you about the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me? First off, if you don’t know me well, you should know that God speaks to me in dreams frequently, and I LOVE that He communicates with me in that way. I joke that He has to wait till I fall asleep to talk to me, because it’s the only time I’m quiet enough and my brain slows down enough for Him to get through to me. The dreams that are from Him are pretty obvious, and He always wakes me up right after them. And that’s weird. I never wake up in the middle of the night for anything- water, bathroom. Nothing. I’m a hardcore sleeper. So, when I began having these very spiritual dreams and I woke up immediately after all of them, I knew that God was trying to communicate with me and was waking me up so I could write them down. I’ve had some pretty cool ‘God-dreams,’ but the one I’m sharing today surpasses them all. I know I wont ever be able to convey the intensity of my dream to you in writing, but I hope to do enough to encourage you to be open to communicating with God in different ways than you might now. Here goes:

There were some things that happened in the beginning of the dream that are a little hazy to me still. A ‘bad guy’ was trying to chase me down, and I was rescued- by Jesus or an angel and delivered to another angel or Holy Spirit. Like I said, that part’s hazy. But, this next part is very vivid- I was brought to a kitchen that had a similar feel to my Grandpa’s kitchen, and all of a sudden, I sensed a strong spiritual presence and turned around. I saw the backside of an older woman prepping corn, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt who it was- (specifically) God the Father. [That’s right, folks- you heard it here first: God is a woman! Ok, just kidding. God is neither male nor female, but it does make sense that He would come to me personally as a motherly figure, because my mom’s the one who’s most responsible for raising me.] So, there I was, in the presence of the Creator of the universe, and it felt like I was hit by a freight train. Creation knew Creator. My mind knew. My soul knew. My body knew, and it didn’t have a choice but to fall. It wasn’t a voluntary thing, like, “I think I’ll get on my knees in reverence.” No- I didn’t. have. a choice. All I could do was fall on my knees in what felt like slow motion and bawl and scream, “Mommy! Mommy!” over and over again. He comforted me, and all He said was, “I know. I know.” I felt that he was telling me that He understood what it was like for me to be in His presence. He was telling me that it was okay that I couldn’t handle it. I could NOT handle it. The glory. The majesty. The pure love. It was overwhelming, and I only use that word because the word that I need to describe His physical presence doesn’t exist. The one who said “Let there be light” and there was light..showed up in my dream. He let me enter His presence. He let me experience daughter-ship in abundance. Are you even getting this?!

When I woke up from the dream, there were tears streaming down my face. I was still crying. The best way I can describe what I felt is this: It was like I was an orphan who was finally reunited with my true parent for the first time. It changed things to the point that I don’t even know who my natural parents are anymore…guardians? I know their deep love for me. But, they could never love me this intensely, because I truly belong to God. That sonship is something we all know. I knew before this dream that I was a daughter of the King of Kings and I was so proud to be. I claimed my sonship, and I knew who I was. But, to experience it in such a real and tangible way has been life-changing, prayer-changing, perspective-changing, and just surreal. When I pray now, I position myself right next to Him again, where He can just reach out and touch me. The only thing He said to me was, “I know,” and those two words have had such lasting impact on me. He knows everything. He knows what we need, where we’re going, who we are, the future, everything. He truly KNOWS.

I want to add that I have been baptized in the Spirit and overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit’s presence several times in my life and that is SO awesome too, but this was much, much more intense. Where Holy Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing our acceptance into sonship, God the Father is the full inheritance. It’s no wonder I couldn’t handle it for even a moment. I pray that we all have that Fatherly encounter in some way- that all my friends, family, and everyone who reads this would have a mind-blowing sonship experience…that we could stand right next to Him as His child in complete awe and wonder and then take that with us everywhere we go.

Lora Robertson

September 27, 2017
December 30, 2017